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Don't Be Fooled... Homeownership Is A Great Investment! [INFOGRAPHIC]

Don't Be Fooled... Homeownership Is A Great Investment! [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights:

  • Harvard University's Joint Center of Housing Studies recently released the top financial & emotional reasons to own a home.
  • Owning is a good way to build up wealth that can be passed along to your family as it is usually a form of "forced savings."
  • Whether you rent or own, you are paying a mortgage. Yours when you own, your landlord's when you rent.
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2016 Home Sales Doing Just Fine!!

Some of the housing headlines are causing concern for some consumers who are in the process of either buying or selling a home. Pundits are concerned over the lack of new construction or the month-over-month sales numbers. Let’s set the record straight; 2015 was a good year for residential real estate in the United States and 2016 is starting out stronger.

Why You Should Sell Now... Before Winter Hits

People across the country are beginning to think about what their life will look like next year. It happens every Fall. We ponder whether we should relocate to a different part of the country to find better year-round weather or perhaps move across the state for better job opportunities. Homeowners in this situation must consider whether they should sell their house now or wait. If you are one of these potential sellers, here are five important reasons to do it now versus the dead of winter.
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4 Reasons to Buy BEFORE Winter Hits

It's that time of year; the seasons are changing and with them bring thoughts of the upcoming holidays, family get-togethers, and planning for a new year. Those who are on the fence about whether now is the right time to buy don't have to look much farther to find four great reasons to consider buying a home now, instead of waiting.

Home Equity: You May Have More Than You Think

CoreLogic recently released their 2015 2nd Quarter Equity Report which revealed that 759,000 properties had regained equity in the last quarter. That means that 91% of all mortgaged properties (approximately 45.9 million) are now in a positive equity position. Anand Nallathambi, president and CEO of CoreLogic, reported: